I’m Mathieu, an engineer and developer interested in biotechnologies and neuroscience. I enjoy contributing to open-source softwares and promoting science through the scientific python organization. In 2023, I joined the steering council of MNE-Python, the largest M/EEG data analysis ecosystem in Python.

Currently, I work as a research engineer on the M/EEG platform of the Fondation Campus Biotech Geneva. I advise researcher on all technical aspects and share my expertise to promote high-quality research on our platform.

Previously, I investigated with the Medical Image Processing Lab (MIP:Lab) and the Wyss Center if neurofeedback can help to contol and reduce tinnitus. This clinical study compared the gold standard Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with fMRI neurofeedback and EEG neurofeedback.

And before that, I worked at ONWARD, designing the neuromodulation algorithm used by the implantable spinal cord pulse generator in the lower limb movement therapy.